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Search results

  1. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    'twould be a waste to let my huge reserve of powerful Pokemons go to waste while I'm inactive, so I've decided to give back some Pokemon of mine to their original owners. The Strand goes back to Byrus Truflais and Cre go back to Zackrai Koutus returns to Blastoise
  2. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    MF: Kong is yours. Get him back.
  3. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    I have a Drifloon I'm willing to sell, but it has Aftermath. Would you be interested?
  4. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    What? No way jackass >:( $15 for that Whirlipede. OR AN ABSOL, IF YOU SO DESIRE.
  5. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    Interested in that Whirlipede-to-be. $10 sound good?
  6. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    I'll be taking this. Thankies.
  7. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    deeeeeerp, forgot about that Welp, I ended up buying a Croagunk without one for you. You takin'?
  8. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    Its... helmet? You must be confusing it with Negrek's. A Croagunk? Sure.
  9. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    Do you like Absol?
  10. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    Oh yeah it is your birthday! Do you want anything?
  11. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    Come to think of it, Pwne had all of... four Pokemon. One of which was an Aerodactyl, yeah, but otherwise nothing special.
  12. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    Sure, you can have Hastings then. [Hastings] Tyrogue M (Guts)
  13. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    ...wait, shit, I did? I'm sorry, I honestly forgot I did. EDIT: I'm still interested in that Trubbish, though. Would you be interested in an Absol?
  14. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    Actually, Wargle, you can have the Pooch.
  15. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    Sure. [Shenanigan Rex] Aaken M for you.
  16. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    I am willing to trade an Aaken for a Scraggy or a Trubbish.
  17. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    Why is everyone ripping off me and Green??? Seriously dudes... Also Wargle we never decided on who would buy the Poochyena!!!
  18. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    I'm interested in that Poochyena myself, actually. So, Wargle, shall we take the diplomatic route and play Rock Paper Scissors?
  19. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    More than the $15 I payed for it. EDIT: How about $23? That evens out my balance.
  20. Karkat Vantas

    The Black Market

    Anyone interested in an Archen?
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